DuPage County DUI Lawyer – Defenses to DUI in Illinois

DuPage County DUI lawyer Marilyn Miller wants you to know how to fight Illinois DUI charges.   Below is list of possible DUI defenses and issues a good DUI lawyer should consider:

1. Did the police have reasonable suspicion / the legal right to pull you over?

2. Was there probable cause to make a DUI arrest?

3. Did the police need consent to search your vehicle?  Did the police have consent to search your vehicle?

4. Was the breathalyzer or intoxilyzer working properly?

5. Were the field sobriety tests and breathalyzer tests administered as required by law?

6. Did the police force you to make incriminating statements?

If you are charged with DUI in Illinois, contact Wheaton DUI lawyer Marilyn Miller by email or call 630-424-8816 for further information on how to defend or beat your DUI charges.